"Prego" said the barman.
"Due pizza, per favoure", I replied.
"Two?", pointing to both of us.
"Alle tavola?"
"No, al bar" (because we are tight asses and don't want to pay the extra to eat at a table).
"Okay", he replied, picking up the pizza slices to go and heat them up. "Blah blah blah" he said to the bar lady, who then proceeded to put tea cups and a selection of teas in front of us.
"Hmmm, looks like we're having tea!" I said to Marito, "I didn't think I ordered tea...oh well...tea's good". We drank our tea, ate our pizza and paid the nice people. The only thing we can think of is that the barman thought we were English and knows that all the English like tea, so when we thought he said "two", maybe he was saying "tea". Who knows...