Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Stomp, stomp, my new shoes

Sick of oweeee feet on the pebbly "beaches" around these here parts we finally succumbed to buying beach shoes. Unfortunately for me, they only had pink ones left in the women's stock, but I guess I'm lucky that they aren't covered in sequins and sparkles (both of which are wayyyy overused in women's clothing here). I feel slightly ridiculous wearing then, but maybe not as ridiculous as these fellows feel....

...actually, who am I kidding, I would love a pair of bell shoes.

Anatra and Norberta

I finished knitting Norberta a couple of weeks ago and she is now destined for a life with my nephew (if I can let her go). To be fair, I thought I should make a toy for my niece as well. Quizzing my sister I found out that she is obsessed with Anatra was born and I spent a weekend quacking.
Norberta has been spending a lot of time in the cupboard of late because we've seen a lot of these guys around the place lately, and a dragon can never be too careful.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ham, ham, ham, ham

We went to La Festa del Prosciutto di San Daniele last week courtesy of Sam and the "Little Car that Could". San Daniele is famous for its prosciutto and with good's very tasty. As is the way with Italian festivals, since this was a festival for prosciutto that was pretty much the only item on the dinner menu. You order a serving of prosciutto and it comes with a bunch of bread sticks which you wrap the prosciutto around (bascially a ham-pop) and munch it accompanied with some fine German beer.
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